We had a very busy lesson today!
We started with giving opinions on the toys/gifts, but this time we had to include pero, like this:
Me gusta el helicóptero pero no me gusta el peluche. What a long sentence!
We remembered the rules when using the dictionary, and searched for a word together. All the dictionaries ended up on our heads again!
We sang the alphabet song, like last time. We are getting very confident and loud:-)
We finished our cards for the European Day of Languages! We will send cards to 20 different schools in Europe, and our cards will travel to Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Latvia, Romania, Italy, Greece and to another English school in London. We are very proud of our work and we are excited about getting their cards. They will love the glitters!
In the second half of the lesson we had a real treat: Becky, a friend of ours came to talk about Sanfermines, the bull racing festival in Pamplona. She actually went there and ran with the bulls! She showed us lots of pictures and we asked her a hundred questions. Some pupils got the chance to try her red scarf and belt on. We are very lucky, thank you Becky for coming to give us a presentation!
The Spanish leader from last week got her reward, she did so well practising the words every day with the class. We picked the new leader for the 5 A DAY challenge.
Os han quedado unas tarjetas maravillosas ¡Enhorabuena a tí a tus estudiantes! ¡Olé, olé y olé! :-)