Everybody had a small food tasting stall in their classrooms (Y5/Y6 had snails, as well, scroll down:-).
Thank you Jill (Tesco) for donating us the food:-)
We listened to songs:
1,Frozen in 25 languages
2,And you have to click here for the multi language Lego movie clip:
Y3/ Y4
This is our "I love languages display"
We talked about why it is good to learn a language and got a sticker/book if we could give a reason:-) Now we know that it is important to communicate when we go abroad, when we want to make friends or in case we get to hospital in a foreign country.
Hot air balloons
We made hot air balloons with spoon men and stick men. We had to learn to say hello in 3 languages and write them down on post its. Then our little people were allowed to travel around the world in hot air balloons, or at least, travel to St. John's Primary School just down the road, where we had a great assembly and exchanged gifts (balloons, cards and stickers). Fantastic activities, Mrs Murphy, thank you! Hope we still remember how to count up to 10 in Japanese, how to say the German tongue twister quickly and we can answer how many languages are there in the world....
Food tasting:
We had food tasting in every class, and Y5 and Year 6 had the chance to try escargots (snails)!!!! Most pupils had a go, and some teachers and teaching assistants, as well:-))
eTwinning project
We recorded Frère Jacques in English, because we are participating in a project for the European Day of Languages where we have to sing this song in our own languages. We are looking forward to the other countries' songs next week!
eTwinning project
We exchanged cards with 18 schools in Europe, look at our display:
The cards we sent:
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