Today we learnt that we can join the body parts in one sentence with y! It means and, and it links parts of the sentence together when we describe our monsters.
We played the blindfolded artist, girls against boys, and Mr Matthews had to decide whose monster looked the scariest. Congratulations, chicas:-)!
We described our monsters in our Spanish books, using "y".
Kieran brought a Spanish book and some tapes in to show us. He listens to the Spanish tapes to learn some words. Well done!
We recorded a short video to our eTwinning partners.
We listened to the Frozen song in 25 languages and remembered most of the languages at the end of the lesson. You can listen to the this song or the Lego movie one if you click here.
Today we have learnt to say I am English. But it is a bit tricky in Spanish, because boys and girls say it differently.
Soy inglés. I am English.(boy)
Soy inglesa.I am English. (girl)
And we guessed what a Spanish girl would say if a Spanish boy says: Soy español..... Soy española, of course!
Now we can say 3 sentences about ourselves:
Me llamo George. Tengo 7 años. Soy inglés. We finished our flags on the first page of our books.
We made some movies with our new clapper board, we enjoyed being the directors! We used the ToonCamera iPad app to make the movie look like a cartoon! We pretended we just met on a sunny Spanish beach and we asked each other these questions:
¿Cómo te llamas? ¿Cuántos años tienes? ¿Qué tal?
We recorded a short video about ourselves because we are trying to find some pen pals in Spain. How exciting! Many of us even introduced ourselves in Spanish. Fantastic!
We listened to the Frozen song in 25 languages and remembered most of the languages at the end of the lesson. You can listen to the this song or the Lego movie one if you click here.
Today we have played "Heads down, thumbs up" with four sentences. The volunteers were holding extra body parts and we described them:
Tiene 3 orejas. Tiene 4 ojos. Tiene 2 bocas. Tiene 4 orejas. We started to design our own monsters in our Spanish books and glued real plastic eyes on them. Some of them look really scary!!! We celebrated the European Day of Languages, click on the link to see the activities and videos!
Today we have learnt to say how we feel: Bien = Well Mal = Bad
To ask How are you? we need to say ¿Qué tal?
We listened to some people asking/answering questions in front of the class, now we can do 3!
¿Cómo te llamas? - Me llamo Ana. ¿Cuántos años tienes? - Tengo 7 años. ¿Qué tal? - Bien. We wrote two sentences about ourselves in our Spanish books and finished decorating the Spanish flags on the first page. We celebrated the European Day of Languages, click on the link to see the activities and videos!
Finally, we listened to a pupil talk about her dictionaries/newspaper she had brought in school, they are on display at the moment in the classroom, feel free to look at them.
If you bring a dictionary or a language book in and talk about it, you will be rewarded with a bookmark or a sticker!
In Year 5 today we have learned the names of some places we would like to travel to (la montaña= the mountain el río=the river, el lago=the lake, el bosque=the forest) and a very important verb: Voy,it means "I am going to...".
We had a look at the dictionaries that the school had received yesterday and found out about the two parts they had: Spanish/English and English/Spanish. The words are in alphabetical order , we listened to the letters song to get used the Spanish alphabet and we joined in, as well.
We started to write cards for the European Day of Languages: with our partners we thought about why it is good to learn a language, we wrote our messages down and in 2 weeks we will deliver them all over Europe.... by balloon mail! We will release them up in the air outside the school!!!
We picked a volunteer to be the Spanish leader for the 5 A DAY SPANISH. Good luck!
This half term we will go shopping: today we have learnt the names of gifts we would like to give or receive: la muñeca (doll), el helicóptero (helicopter), el peluche (teddy bear), la cámara (camera). We gave our opinions with Me gusta/Me encanta/No me gusta/No me gusta nada....
We had a look at the dictionaries that the school had received yesterday and found out about the two parts they had: Spanish/English and English/Spanish. The words are in alphabetical order , we listened to the letters song to get used the Spanish alphabet and we joined in, as well. We looked up words in our dictionaries and had fun putting them on our heads with the pages open when we had found the right word.
We started to write postcards for the European Day of Languages: with our partners we thought about why it is good to learn a language, we wrote our messages down and we will finish and send them to different schools in Europe next week. This project is on the eTwinning website, we participated in one last year, too.
We picked a volunteer to be the Spanish leader for the 5 A DAY SPANISH. Good luck!
In Year 3 today we introduced ourselves asking each other's names and saying our own names.We sang a song while passing a parrot to each other and every time the music stopped, we all asked ¿Cómo te llamas? Whoever was holding the parrot had to answer : Me llamo....
We have learned to say how old we are: Tengo siete años.
We walked around the classroom with finger puppets and said:
Tengo siete años.
We were given Spanish books and we all drew a Spanish flag on the first page.
We chose a Spanish leader for the 5 A DAY challenge, good luck to him!
We talked about why it is good to learn a language and got a sticker/book if we could give a reason:-) Now we know that it is important to communicate when we go abroad, when we want to make friends or in case we get to hospital in a foreign country.
Hot air balloons
We made hot air balloons with spoon men and stick men. We had to learn to say hello in 3 languages and write them down on post its. Then our little people were allowed to travel around the world in hot air balloons, or at least, travel to St. John's Primary School just down the road, where we had a great assembly and exchanged gifts (balloons, cards and stickers). Fantastic activities, Mrs Murphy, thank you! Hope we still remember how to count up to 10 in Japanese, how to say the German tongue twister quickly and we can answer how many languages are there in the world....
Food tasting:
We had food tasting in every class, and Y5 and Year 6 had the chance to try escargots (snails)!!!! Most pupils had a go, and some teachers and teaching assistants, as well:-))
Y5: eTwinning project
We recorded Frère Jacques in English, because we are participating in a project for the European Day of Languages where we have to sing this song in our own languages. We are looking forward to the other countries' songs next week!
Y6: eTwinning project We exchanged cards with 18 schools in Europe, look at our display:
We started with giving opinions on the toys/gifts, but this time we had to include pero, like this:
Me gusta el helicóptero pero no me gusta el peluche. What a long sentence!
We remembered the rules when using the dictionary, and searched for a word together. All the dictionaries ended up on our heads again!
We sang the alphabet song, like last time. We are getting very confident and loud:-)
We finished our cards for the European Day of Languages! We will send cards to 20 different schools in Europe, and our cards will travel to Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Latvia, Romania, Italy, Greece and to another English school in London. We are very proud of our work and we are excited about getting their cards. They will love the glitters!
In the second half of the lesson we had a real treat: Becky, a friend of ours came to talk about Sanfermines, the bull racing festival in Pamplona. She actually went there and ran with the bulls! She showed us lots of pictures and we asked her a hundred questions. Some pupils got the chance to try her red scarf and belt on. We are very lucky, thank you Becky for coming to give us a presentation!
The Spanish leader from last week got her reward, she did so well practising the words every day with the class. We picked the new leader for the 5 A DAY challenge.
Today we have learned to answer ¿A dónde vas? = Where are you going to? We looked at the map of Spain and answered with our favourite places: Voy a Barcelona. Voy a Madrid. Voy a Alicante. Then we said where we will REALLY go this afternoon: Voy a Wigan, Voy a Skem, Voy a Aughton....
We sang our song: Este puente va a caer. (The bridge falls down, how will we cross the river? On a paperboat!:-)
In the second half of the lesson we had a real treat: Becky, a friend of ours came to talk about Sanfermines, the bull racing festival in Pamplona. She actually went there and ran with the bulls! She showed us lots of pictures and we asked her a hundred questions. She also told us about La Tomatina, another festival she went to last year.We are very lucky, thank you Becky for coming to give us a presentation!
The Spanish leader from last week got her reward, she did so well practising the words every day with the class. We picked the new leader for the 5 A DAY challenge.
We had a busy lesson with a special visitor today.
First we revised our body words we learned last week, then we had a "lucky" volunteer who came out to the front of the class to be the class alien! Mrs Culshaw described her like this:
Tiene tres ojos, cuatro orejas, una boca y una nariz.
She had to wear this hat, pictured on Valentín here.
Then we practised tiene with María, our noisy puppet. Hope we all remember that tiene means he has got/she has got....
In the second half of the lesson we had a real treat: Becky, a friend of ours came to talk about Sanfermines, the bull racing festival in Pamplona. She actually went there and ran with the bulls! She showed us lots of pictures and we asked her a hundred questions. Some pupils got the chance to try her red scarf and belt on. We are very lucky, thank you Becky for coming to give us a presentation!
The Spanish leader from last week got his reward, he did so well practising the words every day with the class. We picked the new leader for the 5 A DAY challenge.
Last week we learned to say how old we are Tengo 7 años , and today we have learned to ask each other ¿Cuántos años tienes?, which means How old are you?.
We noticed that there is a special letter in the sentence, the ñ and that the question mark is upside down at the beginning of the sentence.
Some volunteers came out to the front of the class and made up a dialogue, with their finger puppets,all in Spanish! Well done!
¡Hola! ¿Cómo te llamas? Me llamo......... ¿Cuántos años tienes? Tengo 7 años. ¡Adiós!
We enjoyed saying our new sentence to the hamster that changes our voices:-)
We had a real treat: Becky, a friend of ours came to talk about Sanfermines, the bull racing festival in Pamplona. She actually went there and ran with the bulls! She showed us lots of pictures and we asked her a hundred questions. Some pupils got the chance to try her red scarf and belt on. We are very lucky, thank you Becky for coming to give us a presentation!
The Spanish leader from last week got his reward, he did so well practising the words every day with the class. We picked the new leader for the 5 A DAY challenge.